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- Publication:
- The Tulsa Tribunei
- Location:
- Tulsa, Oklahoma
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- 7
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I THURSDAY EVENING THE TULSA OKLAHOMA DAILY DEMOCRAT WWW? PAGE SEVEN REAL ESTATE ROOMS OR RENT OR RENT DEMING COMPANY vf Sl4 per foot Good level 50x140 foot age lot Property adjoining sell Ing for $20 and $30 a foot This 1 is a big bargain Make your own terms 'V 320 per 100x140 foot trackage lot Katy railroad This is a bargain lift' bv $10 a foot Easy terms 330 per foot 100x140 foot trackage lot Katy railroad $52 50 a 100x140 foot trackage lot risco It Just off Mam St 32800 Buys 100x140 foot lot Ideal i a site for wholesale house one block from risco depot This Is a liargain by $1200 Adjoining propertv selling for $40 a foot $J9 a or a 45x95 foot business corner on East Second Property has advanced 50 per cent in the least year on East Second street This property is quoted at last prices It is a real bar gain Look it up Income prop erty Terms $60 a foot or a good 50x90 foot busi ness lot on East Second St In i' come from this property $35 a month $65' a foot or a 40x100 foot close in business lot on East irst street i $120 a foot A good bargain in a 25x 120 foot close in business lot on East irst St Rear of lot is trackage This Is a good lot for a retail or whoisale store i $130 a foot or ah up town 50x90 foot lot on East Second $15 000 or a two story brick build ing and 25x190 foot lot on Main street Income 19 per cent on money invested Terms We have a big Isiting of all kinds of real estate DEMING COMPANY HANDLERS REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 8 East Phone 509 Real Estate Bargains LOOK OVER THIS LIST and see if there is any thing you want 4 $5000 apiece for six lots lying to gether in north side trade or cash $12500 for nice lots in Highlands irst Addition $15000 for choice lot in orest Park Addition east front 50x140 $15000 to $30000 choice lots in Belle view Addition $16000 per foot for Main street busi ness lot 50x140 $5000 per foot for lot on 'East Third 1 $12500 per foot for good business lot on East irst street trackage lot street 60x100 business lot $85000 for three room cottage easy terms $60000 for a four room box house lot 50x140 well" shade gas Easy terms $200000 A good 7 room houselevel lot easy terms $240000 for a new 6 room house east front shade barn well part time Will trade this property for a smaller house or tract of land 600000 for fine 9 room modern home on South Boulder Oliver Typewriter for sale good con 's dltion price right $5OOOuu best 100 foot witli shade on South Main street close' in Restaurant for sale at a bargain yruit Stand $2500 I 4 5 and room houses for rent Are Insurance written Ttrni Lands in small and large tracts i at the right prices CALL AND SEE US TODAY CUNNINGHAM BUNCH Rooms 8 11 Old Alexander Building Phone 816 Res 552 Bargains in Real Estate 100x140ft lot close in Building renting for 470 per month Terms $40000 Three 25 foot lots in West Tulsa Cash $100 balance to suit at 8 per cent Three lots $400 each 50x I 140ft fronting on cai' line A bargain All cash ive of the best and highesteast front lots In Owens Addi tion Each $485 $400000 Eight rooms and two rooms in basem*nt also 4 room house on back end of lot 90x140ft Good shade one of the best built houses in the city Good neighborhood $37500 The best and most valuable lot in College Addition 60x140ft fronting the Six room bungalo cottage modern Lot 90x140 ft Terms 1365000 Eight room frame hotel two50ft lots making 100ft front good well stable and plenty of fruit $150000 Nine room house loU 50x140 feet shade all over lot modern and up to date arms and farm land ranging from $15 to $6250 per acre and farms in Missouri vacant lots in all parts of the city with other properties such as residence and business property not listed above Vp invite all who contemplate pur chasing any kind of real estate to call on us as we think we Can be of service to you I hone 1224 BOND NEVIUS Room Boston Biulding Southwest Corner Second and Boston Office Phone 1224 "Res Phone 383 THE SHIRLEY APARTMENT HOUSE Second and Cincinnati Ave Sumptuously urnished Rooms at Moderate Prices References Requited Inspection Invited WARD 1 I YOU want the coolest the nicest and the best furnished room In the city for $3 a week call at Palaeo rooms 24 West irst street and see for yourself OR RENT our room house In quire 16 South Cheyenne Phone 1 Lewis 38 OR RENT Seven room new house east front good shade close In Phone 1224 or call room Boston building Bond At Nevins 38 OR RENT A good warn with shed for buggy Close in Phone 57 in the evening tf OR SALE oil SALE Second hand folding bed and leather couch Call at 15th and South Mam 42 UR SALE ive room cottage close in two blocks from car line side walks to post office Can give imme diate possession Price is a bargain $1600 $500' cash and balance one and two years phone 443 or see Singleton room 7 Alexander Bldg 42 OR RENT 3 desireable office rooms over Tulsa Hardware store Edw Barrett office 213 irst Nat Hank Bldg 40 OR One large tarnished room for light housekeeping with private entrance 216 Cheyenne 240 OR urnished room in a strictly modern home south and east exposures Breakfast furnished it desired Inquire 712 South Chey enne avenue Rhone 1058 38 OR RENT Two front rooms for $7 per month or three back rooms for I $9 per month Unfurnished good and city water located on North rankfort between Third andourth Would like to rent them at once BOARD AND ROOMS Boarders cool rooms with bath and shade Bath and Phone free Room and board $450 per week 4 IL North Boston 39 ROOM Nice cool front roo ns for two or more gentlemen Shady ydeard reference exchanged 610 South Elwood Boarders and roomers Good accommodations and reason able terms 1' 305 risco between 3d and 4th 40 HELP WANTED WANTED Young man experienced bookkeeper desires immediate posi tion Best references Address 11 care Democrat 38 WANTED Experienced woman to cook wash iron and assist with housework in small family Apply at 524 Boston Corner Sixth St WANTED At once a good middle aged lady to do general house work good wages Apply 312 South Den yer or phone 548 'ANTED HELP Do you ant a helper? Democrat want ads will find willing workers for any position Twenty five words will be placed before 20000 readers six days for a onartei tf OR RENT OR RENT One six room house in Owen Deming Co 41 OR RENT ive roomed house with good well and barn No 711 South risco AMU 704 Barrett 213 irst Nat Bank building 40 OR A live room house good well porches chicken house and out buildings Enquire at next house 215 North Elwood 40 OR RENT ivq room house on car line east front 51300 per ronth Phone No 1111 40 OR RENT Office on ground floor East Second street Deming Company 41 STRAYED STRAYED A dark bay colt three years old with rope around neck No brands Any Information should be telephoned to number 1150 39 A bay horse came to Regelf Grocery Company barn cor owner can have same by paying for this ad Corner of Second and Elgin OR SALE Vacant 100x140 corner on car line close in ine location tor two or three houses Tills Is an ex ceptional bargain tall to call up Phone 413 or see Single ton Room 7 Alexander 42 i nil SALE (Hi EXCHANGE irst class close in modern resideence choice neighborhood ill exchange tor desirable vacant residence lot Rhone 443 or see Singleton room 7 Alexander Bldg 42 OR Upright piano in good condition $lwt) Sold new for $350 We will take this back in trade a new one any time for the full amount paid tor Darrow Music Co 215 South Mam St 42 OR SALE Dining table dining chairs rockers gas range window shades and other household goods Cheap for quick sale? Call at 615 Oak near Guthrie 41 OR SALE Rooming House eight rooms with bath all outside rooms Can be had at a bargain Call at 35 North Main 41 OR ine $450 piano in ma hogany case in fine condition party left the city and piano must be sold $175 takes it Darrow Music Co 215 South Main St' 42 OR SALE 2 acres with 8 room house big barn well lots of cherries and plums pears and other fruit brick cave fenced for chickens $1500 cash $1500 2 years at 8 per cent Call at Tulsa Green House for particulars 40 OR A full blood white spitz pup four months old Apply over Schmidt's Bakery room 2 40 Css ixtures OR Gas light brackets pend ants fixtures chandeliers mantles and globes at special low prices Pittsburg Gas Light armers National Bank Bldg 39 OR One foil top desk and chair Household goods consisting or bedsteads rockers one gas range rvxl uno hontpr IMrs Chas Lyons 506 South Guthrie Rhone 357 39 I OR SALE $250 Kimball piano play er new but shop worn will sell for $200 on easy terms Darrow Music Co 215 South Main St 42 OR SALE One roll top desk and chair household goods consisting of bedsteads and mattresses tables chairs one gas range one gas heater etc Mrs Chas Lyons 506 South Guthrie 38 OR $300 Regina Music Dox as good as new with 24 tune sheets will sell for about half price or will trade tor anything we can use Darrow Music Co 215 South Main Street 42 OR SALE Eureka Rooming House 1 furniture and lease Thirty six rooms good location on Main street Cheap if sold at once Address Box 286 Sapulpa Okla 40 OR SALE Rooming house nine rooms ten beds Corner irst and Main street South See Jones 103 South Main street Rhone 792 OR SALE Livery Barn cor ner of Detroit and irst Enquire for Joseph Andrews for further In formation OR SALE OR Eagle Hotel the best money making hotel in the city must sell on account of sick ness Apply at No 2 North Main St Tulsa Oklahoma STRAYED A black mare pony three years old will weigh about 600 lbs No brands on pony a dim white spot in forehead $10 reward for the delivery of pony to Dr erper Dentist Tulsa or Phone 420 tf STRAYED OR One sorrel horse weight about 1000 lbs fore top has been clipped and was about three Inches long mane badly sun burnt had shoes all around age about 8 years 15 1 2 hands high Suitable reward will be paid for his recovery Nicholson at Nich olson Jordan's Dry Goods store OR SALE Paper tabs made up from refuse stock and just the thing for desk tabs Call at the Democrat office OR SALE Rooming house ninerooms ten beds Corner irst and Main street South See 1) Joones 103 South Main street OR Slightly used pianos just as good as new some just a little scratched but all are high priced pi anos and will be offered at one third to one half regular price Easy term If desired Darrow Mu sic Co 215 South St 42 ORDER OR WANT ADVERTIsem*nT THE DEMOCRAT TULSA OKLAHOMA: Enclosed find cents to pay for the want ad below which contains ords to be run times in your Classified page Name rite your copy on lines below and be sure to put on your copy the you want In your ad Wfil pag9 one cpnt a word per week Advertisem*nts In want columns figured need Wrlte aSk One a wor'1 fl Panly stamps taken nt wth wour copy No advertisem*nt taken for less than 25c Postage iHft 4 a 4 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS LEGALS MISCELLANEOUS PROESSIONAL CARDS Ap ATTORNEYS Attorney 30 6 19 UNION LABOR DIRECTORY 23 lot Okla In the Matter of the Estate of Albert PROBATE 324 BUSINESS CHANCES Okla Tuisa Okla 25 30 6 NOTARY president OCULIST 23 10t opened that night by the Council of VETERINARY SURGEON to reject any and nil blds 23 10t MONEY LOANED LOST BUSINESS CARDS SURVEYOR Notice to Contractors In 21 10t ARCHITECT A in ART SCHOOL room in No 6967 PHYSICAL CULTURE ana destroys the germs that cause skin I diseases Uczenia quickly yields and is REAL ESTATE OIL LANI permanentjy cured by Mus remarkable ROHDE YSTsXD IlfTT medicine All Druggists Write for earn pie WEtneMed Co St Lome Mo RoomR a Ba OIL LANDS fc fourth month Complete next three 314 South HORSES! HORSES! We buy and sell horses at all times Have heavy draft light harness general purpose and saddle horses for sale at lowest prices Tulsa Horse Com pany 115 South Cincinnati St HUGHES City Engineer Tulsa Monday Timinas Bids of the Wednesday In Masonic 445 meets the each iiniiith at irst class manicur ing at Dr Johnson's Optical parlor 214 South Main street Mrs John son Manicurist Phone 405 (Parlor at Southwestern Tea and CofTe Co) MRS TOWNSEND Graduate of Melrose Art School Orders taken In oil ard Water Colors and Pastel Also pupils received In these branches Studio 624 Cheyenne Wednesdays and Thursdays DAVIS CltJHt County Court CENTRAL GIVE ME 207 want my Clothes Cleaned right RELIABLE STEAM DYE WORKS 114 North Main SAUBER BRIHAYE' Prop Phono 207 Blds of the io reject any and all blds to the City of Tulsa' HUGHES City Engineer DR NORWOOD VETERINARY SURGEON Tulsa Okla Office in Brand's Livery Barn Phono 39 Residence phone 280 Eczema is Now Curable ZEMO oeientiflc preparation for external use Stope itching instantly uraiiuj urc gvrinn tuai cause sain TWENTY 'HOUSAND PEOPLE read iue ant Ad of The Democrat There are many new residents in Tulsa who may require the service! of a physician or an attorney A card with your name telephone and office address puts you in direct touch with hundred of new resi dents tf Do ou Want Money? I hum it on dfumonds watches jew elry guns revolvers trunks suit case's tools clothing and anything of "Value Oscar Mitch 22 East 1st St Cut Rate Loan Ortice 72 A certified chock in the sum of $5000 must accomininv each bid Plans profiles and specifications mav be seen at the office of the City Engineer The right ELSIE GREGORY NOTARY PUBLIC All business In this line will be prompt ly and carefully executed Work in my line solicited Can bo found at the Democrat Office Bids will be received at the office of the City Engineer until 5 o'clock Monday July 6 1908 and will be opened that night by the Council at Its regular meeting for the construc tion of a sanitary sewer In District No 36 A certified check in the sum of $5000 must accompany eacli bid Plans profiles and specifications may be seen at the office of the City engineer The right is reserved Tin nir jBulldlng Tulsa Oklahoma RUGGLES ARCHITECT Ac SUPERINTENDENT No 207 over irst Nat'l Bank Office Phone 804 Res Phone Tulsa Okla CLARIVOYANT AND PALMIST Combination Player I sell three of tlie best known makes at 10 per cent margin above spot cash factory cost one lialf the list price Call or address II McMILLON Hotel Brady son Interested may appear and show cause If anv they hsive why such peti tion should not be granted Witness mv hand and tile seal of the 1 lias rotqrncd hy special I do hereby agree and guar make no charge if I fall to name occupation and what for I promise to tell you wife or swootheart tell who and when in fact will tell you day of June 1908 GUUSElt County Judge Notice to Contractors Blds will fir i eecived at the ollied of tlie city Engineer until 5 Monday July 6 1908 and will tie nt its regular meeting for the Improve ment of Eleventh street from Elgin avenue to the section line between sections 1 and 6 Also for grading i isago avenue trotn uuiutn Place airview ovenue A certified chwk In the sum $15000 must accompany ouch bld Plans profiles and specifications may be seen at the office of the City j'HiKiDccr 4 Tlie right Is reserved WANTED To liny an 800 to 1000 pound farm horse Must be true and sound Call at Tulsa Greenhouse on 20tli and Boston 41 TEE MATHEWS ARCHITECT SUPERINTENDENT Tulsa Oklahoma (Over rederick Implement Store) Main Street Office Phone 1263 Res Phone 553 Situation by young man Would like olfiee work so as to get practical experience while attending school at night Address eare of Democrat Trades Council meets every night at Labor hall II president Gus Koecker sec Office room 309 irst National Phone 8 1 Office hrs 9 to 12 a 1:30 to 5 tn DR WALTER Graduated VETtNARY SURGEON and DENTIST Office Hetman Drug Storu and Stone Livery Barn Phone 34 and 23 Tulsa Okla Notice of Hearing Petition for pointment of Administrator State of Oklahoma Tulsa Count 1 IN COUNTY COHftT A (tlllls deceased In the Matter of the Estate) of Tailor A Gills deceased 1 To the Heirs next nf kin and Credi tors of Taylor A Gillis deceased Yon uro hereby notified that Lincoln Postoak has applied to the County Court ol Tulsa County State of Okla homa lor betters of Administration on the estate of Tavlor A Gillis deceased to lie granted to Lincoln Poastoak and that said application will br heard at the Court room of said Court In the City of Tulsa In said County on the llth day of July 1908 at 9 o'clock a WANTED To sell or rent a line mod ern nine room house on corner of Sth and Barton Call at 305 Cis co between 3d and 4th 40 Robert burnham SURVEYING City and Land Subdivisions and plats Also engineering and estimates on steel concrete drainage and construction work (Same prompt attention given to large and small Jobs) WANTED To thank every customer who so royally have patronized us within tlie past four years Com mencing with July 1 we discontinue the retail department and solicit only for the wholesale department as we 4 are now exclusive wholesalers and i jobbers In Tulsa Okla for flour feed blacksmith coal ice cream salt Very truly yours TULSA EED STORE Office 411 irst Phone 240 41 GUS PATTON CIVIL ENGINEER A SURVEYOR Office In New National Supply Bldg Main St Tulsa Oklahoma Office 120 Resldence245 Telephone Office 120 Residence 246 I rind Union No 302 of Tulsa meets every Wednesduv evening at Labor hull Davis president Davis secret ary American Printing resstnqn and As sistants' Union of North America No 226 meets every second Wednesday niglit In each month Putnam president Harry Keys secretary 913 meets hall Nleliols Warren BEST BAHRAIN IN A nine room modern residence close in on paved street Price will Interest you Easy teims if desired Phone 413 or see Singleton 42 WARREN ABBOTT A 7 A A Boston Bldg Notice to Contractors will le received at the office City Engineer until 5 o'clock Monday July 1908 rind will lie opened that night by the Council ut Its regular meeting for tlie con struction of sewers In Blocks 119 136 Notice of Hearing Petition for Appoint ment of Adm'r State of Oklahoma in writing with tho County Judge at ills office in Tulsa Oklahoma twenty per cent of said bld must be tiled with said bid by certified cheek mi some solvent bank of Tulsa County Okla homa the balance must be paid in cash on day of conflrmatlon of said sale Bids for the purchase tileroof must lie in writing and must lie tllod In tho County Court on or before tile hour of sale Dated tlie 29111 day of June 1908 WINRED JORDAN Guardian 39 12t LOST Between Nicholson and Bean Vandever's a gold class pin with engraved on it inder please return to bookkeeper at Bean Vandever's and receive reward 41 GEORGE BUTTE A '1' A A Muskogee Indian Territory Land uml Alining Law and matters pending before the Department of the Intel lor" at Muskogee and Washington given Special Attention CREDITORS of Albert Guess De ceased You are hereby notified that Clarence II Haggard has applied to the County Court of Tulsa County State of Okla homa for Letters of 'Administration on the Estate of Albert Guess Deceased to bo granted to clarence Haggard and that said application will be heard at tlie Court Room of said Court in tlie I'Hy of Tulsa in siihl County on tlie 7th day of July 1908 at 1 Al nt which time and place any interested mav appear and show cause It any they have why such peti tion should not be granted Witness my hand and seal of the said Court hereunto affixed this $4 day of June 1908 Deicliman Martindalenj attorneys at law 404 5 6 7 Hrst National Bank Telephona 992 Notice of Sale of Real Estate State of Oklahoma ss Tulsa County IN COUNTY COURT i the Matter of the estate of Rachel Perryman Cozetta Perryman and Edith Al Perryman minors Notice is hereby given In nursunned of an order of the County Court of the County of Tulsa State of Oklahoma made on tlie 29th day of June 1908 the undersigned Winfred Jordan guardian of the estate of Rachel Perryman Cozetta Perryman and Edith Perryman minors will sell at private sale to the highest bidder subject to confirmation by said Court on the 16th dsv of July A 1908 at 2 o'clock at office of County Judge Tulsa Oklahoma all the right title and Interest of said Rachel Pervnian Cozetta At Perryman and Edith Pettyman In and to tliu follow ing described real estate situate In City of Tulsa Tulsa County State of Oklahoma to wit: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the North west Quarter of Section Twelve (12) Township Nineteen (19) North Range Twelve (12) East also tlie South rac tional Two and Six Sevenths (26 7) acres off of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twelve (12) Town ship Nineteen (19) North Range Twelve (12) East the same lying within and being a part of the City of Tulsa Oklahoma Said real estate will be sold on tlie following terms and conditions to wit: All bidders shall file sealed bids MAGEE MAGEE CONNER A 8 A A irst National Bank Uldg Tulsa okla Office rhone 37 Rl Plone 5 HASKELL TALLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Oklahoma DRS PLEAK OSTEOPATHS Three Years In Tulsa Office 215 MalnRes 315 Elwood Phone 2fc5 Phone 565 HERE IS A Ha you an old chair you want or any other article you would like to dis pose of but at a nrofit jjohe to 55 and your wish will be made known 90 per cent of the homes of Tulsa tf KAPPJER MER1LLAT Attorneys and Counsellors at Law tjactlce before all Court Congress ic'nernment Departments and Com missions Special attention to Terri tor al legislation citizenship and Indian claims Oil leases and contest cases as specialty tlfficos Bond Washington 1079 meets first each month at May Uothhampiyr secre ANTED There are not many men wanting positions Tul sa Those who do can let their wants be known by putting a want ad in the Democrat it $1000000 TO LOAN On Improved city property and farms on five seven or ten years time low rate of In terest easy terms No delay If you want to borrow money come and see us The Crewson Loan and Invest ment Co office corner of Second and Alain street Phone 1062 A COLLINS County Surveyor Tulsa Okla AU kinds of surveys promptly and ac curately made Office County Court Building Telephone office 327 resi dence II 3 Post Office box 652 David crewson A Office Corner Second Main mono 1062 U1HU Tulsa State of Oklahoma CHARI ES PAGE Plaintiff vs SAMUEL ADAMS SAL! NA HARJO and the unknown heirs execti tors devises and assigns of) Thomas Adams deceased Defendants To tlie unknown lu lrs administrators executors devisees and assigns of Thomas Adams deceased defend ants You are each hereby notified that Charles Page tlie above named plain tiff lias filed bis petition In the nbove entitled cause against Samuel (S Ad ams Salina Ifarju and tlie unknown heirs administrators executors de visees and assigns of Thomas Adams deceased wherein the above named plaintiff asks for Judgment and decree of the said Court adjudging and de creeing him to be the absolute owner in fee simple of ffio southwest 1 4 of Section 12 Township 19 Noitli Range 11 East of the Indian Ifase and Merid ian Tulsa County tate of Oklahoma and that Ids title In and to the said land to be quieted as against the right title estate and interest of the said defendants that on tho 13th day of Juno 19O8 an order was made by tlie said Court that service' by publication be made upon yop for a period of four weeks that each of you th unknown heirs administrators executors de visees and assigns of Thomas Adams deceased must answer said petition in said Court on or before July 31 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment will be rendered adjudging and decreeing the plaintiff to be tlie absolute owner in fee simple )f the land hereinabove described and forever quieting said plaintiff's title to the aid land as against the right title estate and interest of said defendants RTUCKY Clerk District Court GORMLY Att'y for Plain tiff 15 22 29 6 RAMSDALB REUTER ATT 8 A A All legal tlriesa placed In our hands will tvefve prompt and care ful attention Rooms 4 5 Bynum Bldg Tulsa Okla Are You Willing to Bo Convinced By Leonone? of A Meets every Thursday in loung mens ciuo Christian church Tulea Chapter No 110 meets seconu night eadh Hall Tuloa Camo Meets every Tuesday night In ra ternal Itkll Notice to Contractors will be received at the office City Engineer until 5 Monday July 6 1908 rind will be opened that night ly the Council at its regular meeting tor the con struction of a storm sewer on Archer street irom Cincinnati avenue to El gin' avenue Plans profiles and specifications mav be seen at the office of the City Engineer A certified check in tho sum of $30000 must accompany each bld The right to reject any and all blds Is reserved to the City of Tulsa HUGHES City Engineer ALBERT CQOK limited to Diseases oit the EYE EAR N09E and THROAT Gl ASSES ITTED LOWERS NELSON A A A eriunu Jones Bldg A UIBU TULSA LODGE DIRECTORY American Tulsa Chapter No 2601 Meets every riday night A Tulsa Lodge No 66 Meets every Thursday night Tulsa Aerie No 1193 Meets every Wednesday night in Elk'a Home raternal Aid Meets sec and and fourth Monday night each month Labor Temple A Lucius airchild Post No 16 Meets second and fourtli riday night of each month In City Hall Lucius allelilld Con No 4 Meets second end fourth Wednes day of each inontli in raternal Hall I 0 0 Aurora Lodge? No 21 Meets every Monday night in Ma sonic Hall Tulsa Encampment No Meets first and third riday of each month in raternal Hail Can Ton Tulsa No 61 Meets first and third riday of each month in raternal Hall Tulsa Rebecca Lodge Nd Meets seco id and fourth riday of each month In Masonic Halt Hiawatha Rebbecca Lodge No 103 Meets first and Third riday after noon in raternal Hall of Tulsa Connell No 1104 Meets every otner rnursday night in raternal Hall of Silver Plum Ixidge No 782 meets every aiouuay at raternal Hall Zohar Temple No 130 'I Meets every three months Pythian Sliver Leaf Temple Meets every Monday at 2 1 i fraternal Hall Knights and Ladies of Security Meets first and third Tuesday evening of each month at Masonic Hall Tulsa Tent No 10 Meets every riday night in Labor Temple Tulsa Hive Meets first ana tnira 1 uesday of each month In Masonic Hall and A Tulsa Lodge No 65 Meets second and foruth Thursday night of each month in Masonic Hall Tulsa Chapter Royal Arch Masons Meets month in Masonic Hall Royal Neighbors 0 Pocahon tas Camp No 3702 Meets every Tuesday night in raternal Hall Trinity Commandary No 7 Meets first and Third Wednesday night of each second and fourth Tuesday night of each month in Masonic Hall Red Ganoga Tribe No 31 Meets every lday nlgnt In Labor Tem to reject any and all blds to tlie t'ity of Tulsii HUGHES City Engineer GLANIELD ARCHITECT 10 Turner Bldg Tulsa Okla WANTED A good farm horse weight from '8U0 to 1000 pounds at a rea sonable price ('all Tulsa Green House 41 WANTED Teams lor hauling crushed stone Must have 1 1 2 yds wagons Auuly to the Cleveland Trinidad Paving Company Olfiee room 5 Bank of Commerce Bld'g 41 an tee to tell your you call whether is true or false you will marry every hope fear or ambition of your liie giving truthful advice on tnat teis of business lawuslts spearatlons divorces and speculations telling you what business or profession you are best suited for what to do and where to ro to bring success I roiioAe the separated restore lost affectUW cagise happy marriages give good IffijK de velop a secret you should know the Power of Control Porlors quiet: business confidential: hours 10 a to tn Hiinaay included $2 reading 50 cents for the days Private parlors atBouIder avenue B1DDISON CAMPBELL EAGLETON A A lulsa Okla Pawnee Okla WRIGHTMAN A OK A A 1' Irst National Bank Building rillsa Ukla Carpenters' Union every Tuesday night at Labor If Clark president llmiiii'lul secretary Imsliir Hs agent Barbers' Union No last Tuesday night In I Keota's shop 214 South Main street 11 Nvltsrs president John Allison vice president 11 Thomas record ing secretary Ira Brooks financial sec retary 8 A Towers treasurer Brotherhood of Painters Decorators and Paper Hangers No 935 moots every riday night at Labor ball Wil liam Watts president' Edwards recording secretary It Lnckey financial secretary and business agent Typographic I Union No 103 meets every first Sunday In each month at 2 i tn Bert Bowen Booth secretary Clerks' ifciion No and third Monday In Labor hull tnry ri'iiiibors' Union A of 1s and No 176 meets every Tues day at Ijtbor hull Knowles sec rotary Electrical Workers No 584 meets every Sufidiy hlfiln at Nj 2 pr Ma (Ion rank Davidson $ecrGtary Brick in yers' Union No finer lg every Thursday night William Hog klns president rank Smith rei hrdlfig secretary Union meets awry Monday niglit at Smith's shop between Main street and Boulder aveneu.
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