This newspaper is part of the collection entitled: Tulsa Daily Legal News and was provided to The Gateway to Oklahoma History by the Oklahoma Historical Society.
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5 Ilth St Acres add 1 S & L Assn $6000 It 5 bl 51 CABes Sabdiv 14 LI 2 Southwest Gardens ad Publi Daily Legal
d' 12(161
Tulsa Daily Leg3I News Grata-Ted Hicks and wf to K th en-1 sanco 4 add '73 :n
3-Same to sa::e SE Sec :5- 780--K3nsas City L Co t'') rfe Ins (shed in the Tulsa
-7 1 Nevis January to January :b TULSA WALL MAPS
EstaLhshed 19('9 rath C Jones and wf $10 SE Sec ' (43-Same to same $(71100 It 8 bi 51 21-12 1 Lou I Salby it 5 Li 2 Flurtnee iss ilia 1eiter Publistortg Co
' 1L-l-10 I Sanao 4th add 731 - Same to sante It 13 bl 2! la Aana ! Plitnishart i Plats & Atlas Sheets
TULSA CKLAHOMA ss !Ainsouth astern Inc to Barris 44-Same to same $600) It 7 IA I Vern scbdiv 757-Cleo C Bailey to Consumers
I ra the lvtri Court in
oct C and for
11111 So Cheyenne-Phone CH 2 W5 Bros Constr Co Si It 11 Li 41 5 sanco 4 acid A T THORNE MAPS
735-San-e sante 14 hi O k i
il Stations Inc It 4 bi 2 tcl- I Tol o
ia t'iiin 0 klahawa
th 1 - to It :3
Published Cady' Except Saturdao south Sheridan Acres add :645-James G Dossv and wf to Opportunity Hats add wood Ind add 1111a1 NI CLARK and 14tRENE
and Sundsy f'9?---G II Bostian and wf to Land- Security Fed S & L Assn 513-1736 - Same ta santv in 3 11 23'790 - Scars-NlcCullough M Co
L K Plaintiffs the Heir
it41 s Aar)! inistra tat a oat 1- Phone WE 6-2557 or
by DEXTER PUBLISHING CO mark Homes Inc $I It 7 Li 6 5o0 It 14 bl 5 Sharon ligts add' NIartin 2n1 ada to Z C Davis It 10 Li 17 Lynch! al
t 'AR vs s
I- i sees ' I rust ts and Assikm I n If no answer RI 24405
DEXTER MOSS Jr Adams Eat add i64h-Arthur C Ligaans and svf tar 37-Same to san- a it 7 bl 4 Sura-1 & Forysythe add 1 mediate anti Remote of EMMET
Publisher and Editor 763-It:mon L King Development : Cue' St Bank $3652 SW mit Parks acid I 79-'-1artha A Thomas et a! to Et Joaissa De eased et al Deiettd- -
-- ------ -- Corp to Happy Homes Inc S101 Svc 16-19-12 73ssame to same NE Sec 36-1 A Nimes and vet et al It 3 bl 1 "I'i'' No !ono CITY LEGAILS--
leery proiaurich is taken by she Tulsa lt 10 141 6 Patricia N1ano1 add 1647-lieien LucAlle Barnhart et all 19-11 I Carbondale 2nd add 'win n it i pi fiLicATION iC-137itiO
- ilimhed
Dolly Legal Ne at in compiling and print
704 - Sae to Pamon L King I to Community St Bank 593751:C4i-1Jan Irivtsi CO to Ntav Y -ork 1 it)f-s1 L Coffman et al to R L TFL slst oh' ohlAlwAIA Ttt:
tril In the Tulsa Daily Legal
News Jan 6 7 8 9 12 1959
kg ill records of the courts register Cd Constr Co $10 It 19 Li 7 Pa-1 SW' Sec 2I-19-12 I Life In Co :t 17 LI " Eau-I-all White and wf It 7 hi 1 Bell add! THE HEII:''' EXECI Tl'itS' Ali' Dexter Publishing Co Publish
i Nlits:1TRATt tit: is E v I S E E S
164s----E F IA tscott and wf to Cm- add i 797-A B Edmunds Jr to Edwin ' - ' ers1
duds C'fbce' bit we amfiwe no hahWtv tracia Manor add i T hi s l' bis and AssittNs 1M AIL-
tOr rrors or omissions 707-Stella L Axton to Marion1 munity St Bank $aOtla It 2 LI 1 8:3-T J Para! Co Fad Nat! 1 A Shaddox and vef It 3 bl 4 niarn atta aroitair at tatintat
c 'N
staticas TO mittfints
Axtcn SI It 25 11 3 Avondale i Roae Hill Ranch add 1 Nitg Assn It 2 Li 3 Santa Cruz Bridges Acres ada JotivN I Oto'ritScd and the UN-
Or Year VS' 60 ! add !a55 - Erode Nlartin Nuckolls to! add i 793-same to Wm Hall Jr and wf N
anatiNisTitaTtata to izEE Not ite is hereby given that the
V —Chzis A liaTIOVUr and Wf nil Fin Corp Sa7a0 5'4' It 10 bl 2! -- 1 It 8 bl 3 Banana ligts add tat a at Tulsa vcill receive sealed
lia Months 17 501 ' Tin :4'iLE- sail ASSIGNS IMAIE- e- un i
1 a at o'clock pm (CST)
one mows 3 so i Allen Millir Rart ta ls Inc $10 Radials flats SubdAv i 799-Same to Thomas B NIAlls & iota-fa atat lir sii al I: ote K 1
inatet ''
a tar 'still nay fir January 1954
t sc S 31-1913 Gt Lwrance E 1 SW vc - 5 -- adv ard Phil lps
1 Release of Mortgages 31813
i wl SW Sec -- i Ir''''-' l atr' - 'I: an't r'!':" stew' '' ' 'tt t 6- office tir the City 'Auditor
ling! Copy 1
tiir the folliving:
- -- 1 709----nose E Eldar to RaIph Thos " alci 01 to lin Ctrp 11475J a i (Filtai Jan 5 'Eat)-Same to Harvey Green and iifi-1"i-ithi
! vial' AND EAt'll tiE ADC ARE i
iliocond-cla51 nostaat PaA at kit (-)1°41- Eld er and wf $1 it 14 LI 12 Irv- I 3 t I I GrdlliliVIeW Murtür acid '403590-Unita Ica S & L Assn ' wf It 1 bl 2 Winstead add
I Hi'i::!" -‘!'"'":l! In"' l''" '1
- 1 Inatting Unit Plumbing installa-
----- In Pi aid tna-Catas Wnburn Barr Jr and to Chestar a l Gain tt Jr and 501-Edna I) Nordan and hus 1 o
aai li 1J1 Loor ar i
io lk as iiiiin- i 0 1 in giong ieitiiin or old
POSTMASTER Return ad forms 3579 to d L n
1 III I ite 1t rict
(File Jan 6) st I 14 Icisa Fed S & Ass Nat' n 5 an 3 an( aar Hsts Eldon :'I Ba rl ett and wf It a "I'''' """' I''' Continental Baking Building at
Deo Kabiishn9 cat
Company P 0 8ox 4" 5:-(1 't 9 aa ts Issas N44131 aid ' Mingo add :i':''" 't '1"Ini r "ht' 1161:i11"1": in ttaat fit h Street Tulsa (Os-
t i) -- Earl Strimay to nos(' rs -a )
2480 Tv's& okiehorno i 'their pei 'lien against Y'll anti 1 nu
1 0- SI it 2 In 2 lisunsTy WO-OdLind Acres 411-1 add 5t -Sarne to sana 't 5 1-1 3 Graaa 'aC2-1tilsa Rig Reel & Mfg Co to r s idfraing that Emmet
'C'71----Ctil I D -1LtA-e11 and vk I 1() Ft It - - - Jamas F Mahaney and wt It 4 ' Jai' 40 I-2"1 a'a! Is"-sins"! 14 i tid farms :oat specifiiona ma
Adyertitio9 Rotes furikshed on Applicaton add tt11 st! aaa
In $1la
514iA It 7 bi 59Eanala n iN I l'it Pa alty Co b: 16 Tanaltaxood acid tia latisaitia descrined rea l r !
Po'" 1 1 secur ffi
d fro the oce of th6
"4--'0—Nel!ie A Can-Inn-all to Camp n a7orp 14 r
Ths' Tul" CisilY L'gs‘ News is for "le hell Trust et It 9 l
id a 2 11 obos i C tn la has ! 7'1asine w a
s da ri t tan a
1 to Donald L Inau ana wi :t 1 804-J Laty Ballanger et al to - satin ai I Tral I lc 1li ginee r C it's Bali Tul sa
daily at Bdrold's 5
ck to 6
S 37 So4h a- 672--1)-an a' Snaniey and wl to ' la 17 ssasaaaan niaas ajLt James 0 Campbell and wf It 16: a tau t at raid lying ifl !tie 1"k1"1"'"Ia
Main Street and at the ttiews'and in the
721-Nellie A Campla!ii to Camp- Fin Caip Satiat) 5'4'7 It 3 bl 8 I ssainak)an 44trat af I I: '' 1 au rats mast ha ioaannainiaa by
Court Ho
ball Trust et al It 5 11 2 aaad arnahsnie aal 595-Kansas City Lie Ins Co to bl 3 Santa Cruz add
t Dickson D
1 -sai taanat t4 uarter iNNS
! Sthuman Ens Lar Co It 19 bi 1I0o-4th Nati Bank to James 0 i s lid t hair
'4- arritaaa hi k kidders
Yaa adders bond
r dd
ge a 6a0- I n o
G N Metam er and y wf to 3 M oraan lierns ubv h in the ft-
Campbell and wf It I bl 3 Santa! tar aat nasal Quarto) of the ' ""tel ' 41 '' n -
'Wok lit ot not less tha five (5 t
I -oh Nail Bank of Tul-a $ 15 901 ' aa- a s I tt‘‘ i t U t l' 1 l- t ( W l -
730-Henry 0 Fergcason and wf ! s t In 4
i a I a A 3 I i Garcians l
' ' '140-anConralandfits'rCtrarp'10 tr a l
(7 a': nt: SO -
C7rulcuaddtcl a
altial Ins Co to Zella I N 1 4° a '-N t't '4 t s " ''''' ! i" i49 1 ti'e "IIt!t C:'tly !Ahem' ilt!:ir int it7'yal)(11tt'
to Kay Ellen Inman and v'I SI
S Held and hus It 3 hi 3 LaBrae
Fez-gusin add add saanslia 1 :rtit Range 13 (1
ta 1 forfeited by the sue-
Roberts add
- ammo PIM it 5 LI '2 H enry l-a-" tssant “ataaain'als:ora 3'2 erssful bidder in the event III- fails
' C83-11 Kent Thomaa and wf to 5cniso I I ' S & I Assn so : add
'-'-' ' 740—Mildred M COigill and has - ''' a! 'alas(' fillniSh said Heating and riumb-
Claramor e I'd S & L c Assn ! k"":' !"'"'" aIt II "! !"ri
ng ing insto llatittt
10 JOhn D Coe and vf 51 It 11 1 Alise'rl tai PtcauJ and wf it Al 'in! "
Oil & Gas Leases more par tit mai ty oescroteu as
amaa am mond logo opm-alin awn 1 S12C00 It 7 bl 5 Ilth St Acres 15 trau 25 Yates 2nd add i
Id 3 Ozk Tarr add tailaas a oak t tI idnd be-
01 a cl
T i 4036013 -s cls C Gray and sal to The City of Tulsa reserves the
ai Louise Kinm to
e '609 - A B Edmunds Jr to Lao 1
Burris Bros Constr Co to! ‘1Thitiow and wf It 5 lal 2 1iiiitig 4 t i( tiotlit f
2 eet right t r
o e jec t an a
y nd all bids
- I 0 74-Maranne 2: s e
saaith atia 11303 feet East of and to witive any technicalities in
ClAnt 4110 Chas Wm Ilessmer and wf SIO ' I our ataa Oil & Gas Co SW
--alla It 13 bl 7 Aredgwood add 1 Sou the astern nc 65
I $71) r-c I ) ickson add tia Nort h st cor et- bidding No hid may be w ithdrawn
- Sec 27-19-11 a e rne or b
(Filed Jan 5) Ilan i As rsa !Ishii is North ftT tiu scheduid eit
11 bl 44 South 'anent:Ian Acre ' 1 4 ing time
A - t)0-s:dillt' tO RCN t LI tidia anu i 701 - - nataa at past anis) county 'n ti I f ' 1
746-C L Weaver and wf to Jas I
add 1 wf It 17 bl 32 West Tulsa add '' LA na Ls( ar ncec Lat Er to 1 B f t tei ipt i t t t m it' at east
COUNTY CLERK'S w NIIIIer and wf Si SW Sec 29-
' C95-1toger B Graham and v-I to607-Brookside St Barik to Cava- Jackson Co SW nec 31-19-11 on tiatiat the sante being on thirt (30) da)m
the East side of the Midland
OFFICE 19-11
- Bertha May
749 P ummill to ! Home t
ed S & L An a374 It :
V bl 33 Patrick Henry add her C011Str Cu It 7 bl '2 Levas-
Assignment Oil & Gas Valley 11 SS and the S outh All tibia will ire opened and con
line of is 50 rota SeCtital road sidered by the 'head of Commis-
REGISTER'S DEPARTMENT Odia McKinney 55 It 5 bl 5 -
a-tiamon L King Constr Co to1 court add than La ng W st alo the SO ti Soti
ifrs of the s
e City of Tua at a
Town of J I 40
enks 'GNI-Security Fed S & L Assn to bat at' s o meet
aid rad 1875 feet ing of said itottrit to be held in
I Nat! Bank of Tula $14000 It 131 Arthur J Black Jr and wf It 7 Leases thim Lii 11 feet thence the City Fall of said City at 2:00
CLYDE WINTERRINGER 753 - J C Anderson and wf to i bi 7 Patricia Manor add I Iliddan Hill add 403754-B & R Petro Co to Wil- West 1675 fteL thence North o'clock PM tCST1 On the 13th day
County Clerk Bannie Moore and v'l I SE A Ste 30 61a -Chas k Carra & Co to Jim- bur LoVette and svf SW Sec
na containing cre
1-Robt Wreaver and wi o r t L - 1311 1 I I'Vt to the point of be- of January 1959
LUther 4-0471-Lat 255 S 36-19 S 0(
-11 1 S Reagan $14a9 tai NW I my B Birkas It 10 bl 54 Valley 30 a') 33 aiiiiii a a
ec s
toti e or less aectirding Li the Dated at Tulsa Oklahoma this
755 — Edna Ander 'V w
aon to Helen 1 1913 -a-
i a navarnin :su
alit rvey there- tdh d n 19
ay of Jauary 59
I Add
Realty Index Jane Breckinridge 32500 It 22 710-lialph Thomas Elder and wf '618 ie cres 3rd a -Home ked S & L Assn to Miscellaneous l A JACts-SON: LAW HENCE
' iaintiff herein fur ther allege
(Jan 5) I bl 1 Amos T Hall add to Rose E Eider $75Uu 4Iat'c It I Paul C Carter and wf It t'n bl 7 that !ou and each of you claim (SEAL) City Auditor
Warranty Deeds Filed C31756-J J Williams and wf to same 14 bl 12 Irving PI add 1 Meadowbrook (Filed Jan 5)
98s ofli: right title or interest erst in
Fie i ths month 01 $1 It 9 bl 1 North Denver add: (Filed Jan 6) 1620-Beck Homes -Releae of Tax Lien-Direc- Co to Clyde F saiii real limpet-1y adverse to the
P!)1 1:1Iur a "r" a 'a i"ti" est thereto ' ( C-137e11
Total this year 99 769--Kenneth G Schuller and wf :712-Clinton H McCaw and wf to W Wagnon ard w f It a ti 6 tor of Internal Revenue to La-
Foreclosures I lied 0 to Wm J Welch and v!f $10 It 3' Martha J Llurdock $2000 Er-i i So th Hatt plaitittits are the mole surface Wittilislied in the Tulsa Daily Legal
u crn hills V a
111s -- it w add - V011 and Bobbie J Tennyson t tid prtmety mot 111 Nts s Ito 6 7 S 9 12 1959
Filed this month 0 bl 6 Marion Gardens add SE Sec 8-22-11 1693-Ponca City S & L Assn to J
622-Tulsa Rig Reel & Nlfg Co to a rctuiti isild peaceable possession !tester P ublishing Co Publimh-
Total this year 0 779-Johnnie 0 Curcham and wf
i 726-Mary Frances Green to Dos-1 B Gates an James I' Mahoney and wl It 9 tne re"
ii wf It 12 Li 17 Plaintiffs herein pray for r
Sheriffs Deeds Filed as 0 to Armco Steel Corp $10 It 22 sey Lbr Co $386 IG(1 It 7 bi 31 Cherokee Ilgts add bi 16 Tanw judgment alaood add 'it jument judietally determining eterining
1f at
I ti 11i lit'S ide Ns
Filed this month 0 Li 2 Rock11111 add Sand Springs Harding add 'C24-Tulsa Fad S & L An to
651-Release of Tax Lien-Dirac- tor of Internal Revenue to e I arid atid all individual ntity OOFIC E TO iiiiiiwit
d the persons who
Total this year 0 781-rThe Mass Protective A I) Harvey F Allen and wf li 3 bl Jim took or ssn 742-John Coe and wf to N1il- st ere lititleil to take the Settled 'a fa P
r reenat Concrete
$1)950 67c 1 e
Mortgages F W di ed M Coigns It 11 Lorrain Tarr add g ng
tied 63 Inc to Sumner G
hittier $10 Elias oiraoi described reit' pr operty
1vwi es h Pipe
iled tnis month 0 It 23 bl 8 Valley View AcreA bl 3 Oak Terr add 626 652-Ca eat-Le scresi ElftVelop
-Mutual Life Ins Co to Lloyd under tile inttate laws ot succes-
atoll in foree at te time of tile Notice is given that kealed bids
Total this year 68 add 751-The Dist Advisory Board of 1 J Johnson and wf SW Sec 17- Co to the public It 2 IA 2 Lewis- teat)! of said Emmet Jones us heirs will lie received until 1:00 PM on
Ann Mortgages 782-Wm A Bond and wf to D WI N E Okla Dist Church of Naza-1 21-14 1 t mat add at tta said Emmet Jones deceased the Lith day of January 1959 at
(Jan 5) $105'201)000 Laughlin add wf $10 It 3 bl 31 rene to Gatti Board of Church ' 627-1st Nati Bank & Trust Co to I (Filed Jan 6)
713-Plat-W R Cox Jr to the that yoli and ea n ch of' you be ad- the Wt ri of the City Auditor of
jt111-til to ilitVe it righ title in- the t of Tulsa Oklahoma for
Amt this month 0 Lazy Circle Acres Subdiv Nazarene Corp $15000 It 3 bl 1 NI 13 T Davies and wf It 17 bl lariat ar estate in s t
aid real prop- the p Ciury h
case of Eighty t Sat Lineal
Total this year $105209003 783-Frank B Baker and Wf to 7 Fairhill 2nd add I 1 Kenlawn 2nd add public Its 8 thru 11 bl 1 Sunnyt art ana tilt ilia out of plattitios Feet of 4S Inch Standard Strength
New Family Units 1 Willie G Pigeon and wf $1 It 7 76-G J Pack !6
wood and wf to brook Acres add ta iatiatra a as ti
gitilt yo and cacti of Beinforeedi t onerete Bine I A S TM
13---Iforne Fed S & L Assn to vim and that -iti li d each tit you Designatio n C-75-4I - :loan ) aa-
Filed this month 1 bl 4 Yosemite paid Home Fed S & L Assn $ W 714-Releae of Claim-Okla Em- 7200 It Jim Nuckolls and wf S Sec ta perpetually barred and enjoined livered to Project SS52-18 atIoPSIng the
Total this year 1 784-Frank B Baker and wf to 1 bl 2 Leoki PI add i '24-19-13 p h
lovment Security Comm to am
Tlsa vetting up or asserting any EIst Side of Yale Avtnue at the
- Russell Workman and wf $10 773-Clayton B Czsklaba and wf 1629-1st Nati B u
Bank Broken Ar- Lawn Sprinkler Co right title claim or interest iti intersect ion of Archer Street the
716-Easement-Bill C Mendell & "":1-'''r t!' '"1(1 IT'1 '1'"I!ert)
Warranty Deeds It 8 bl 4 Yosemite add to Okla NItg Co $15 100 It 12 bl I row to Villa Healey and w f It 5 1 hat ) ou anti t &Lit tit ) ou must and ao -
right ilitellSg1 r ese r ved t o r ejt e t
793-Benjie Schuler and hus to wf to Tulsa Counts It 15 Pine-
(Filed Jan 5) 2 Sunrise Tarr 3rd add IA 60 0 T Broken Arrow ons'Aer tliv petition tit plaintitts
Wm A Forrest $1 SE See 5- 776-Lloyd A Glidden and wf to 630Ke ss ler vale add tiled here in on t
before h 1
e 1-tb A c l r a h
el if it o c!h-r s C hee k nu
Lbr & Supply Co to
403592---Bood Epperson Co Inc to 19-14 Lome 2 Western Village add
W k' S & L Assn $3908 James G Dossey and w 718-Deed of Dedication-Harold oiy °I heiruary I Mitt' or Nal(' Pti- Bidder's Surety blond in the o I Epperson and wf $1 It 14 809-Elmer W Anderson and y'f I ed -
It 28 bl 5 Brookside ad 1 f It 18 Shore d bl 4 Sharon lIgts add E and wf to the ublic i'l "
'll I" l''' take" as "le 1 su
'' i'f II"' """'""t "I tile im if
hi to Phillips Petro Co $ G SW Sec e -
8r w11-
i 0— 1 le Pigeon and wf to 163211ome ked S & L Assn to a9b1 1 O'Connor Park add antrassaa Atha judgment a 'Idjudging required of each ladder
and ilecreciiiir lite plainttit Is here-
614 - Effie Alberta Bateman to '21-19-13 Frank B Baker and wf $5200 Ted Murray and yvf It 3 bi 27 44-Easement-Noah A Byars & in arit A k nd i ( lar a holvile Clark 1 i1 l'ce'i
Everett Bate t 1 it ved v1‘11 IP considered
0 T Broken man e 2
i ' wf to Tulsa County It 15 Pine- 0 to th siii face owners of said i'Y lie hoard of t htelinintissitthe niers at
Arrow at $ ietti priirrirty and entitled to pos- A Meet ing to to d in City
C15 - T J Bateman and wf to Quit Claim Deeds 7 8 n It 7 bl 4 Yosemite add Patrick Henry add
iRussell W an orkm and wf to !633-Security Fed S & L Assn to e a dd sossi) I tortor and that you and ihill at 2:iii i 0clock PM oti the
Davee Dickey $1 It 31 hi 31 Frank B Baker and (Filed Jan 5) a r Howard L McKisck a
sal o050 sind sal It 1
8nli It 8 bl 4 Yosemite add 12 bl 4 Central Hats add 727-Decree-In re est of Lester a ii i ii si ai have no right title or 1311 f JanliarY 1959
1 litiv o
1 R Chambers dec Pro No 32964 Inter st therein and quieting the
Broken Arrow 403596-A E Montgomery t)
-c er"1 11- 'Id' C -kb' t R J -- n It 28 bl 5 Hillcrest add titi r o at 1palm:tits iiiiiiist ail ad- Fatcd it Tulsa iiklahoma this
616 -E vcrett B Bteman and a w f Nienni s s A h 1
4 LI e - 1 It 4 bl '
$'' - ) rill a csa cs o 6a4-1 F CitilOW to WM II Dlasa
efault Divorce Decree- vese Hams f iriv a nd e tch o r ctil t la Y f Jitt"
oarY P
to Dave Dikey $1 It 21 bl 1 0 T T d $95 8 It 10 bl 14 Bures Jr 59
tc : 179 ulsa War7(n gs and wf NE Sec 12- : '-''' -
Greenvvood add 19-13 M -ildred E Arnhart v Harry A sid dcrundat itm h rei
en and dec r
ing- the heirs of Etnniet Jones de- A JACKSnN LA W RENCE
0 T 13roken Arrow' 711 -Nlaniorie Ilutchens et T
al to at
J-Charl w Brown to R J Ward 6r
o8-Same to same NE Sec L-
- a Arnhart No D-67991 It 16 bl 5 ''''''''"1 0-C Li City A tolittir
617 - Davee Dickey and wf to Marie Price Horner $250 It 19 ü t-! Toi ligts add tlarn limier my hand anti seal
$62a 8ia It 20 bl 3 Victors add 19-13 this ory O tC-13762)
same $1 It 21 bl 21 0 T Broken LI 44 TOWB of Jenks 743-Release of T Lien-Direc-
Ian ra f Janua M
784-Joseph W Newsome and wf 659-1ulsa Fed S & L As ax sn to C '‘Alt El " FitY (Published la the Tulsa Daily Legal
Arrow -Wiled Jan 6) tor of Internal Revenue to (4'4:akin isiurt Chrk
to NV L Reynolds and wf $3879 E Pogle and wf It 9 b 19 Pat- l yo as r Jan ii h7 s 4 12 195a
C24-Trustees for Pentecostal As- 744-Leola Schofield to 13ill Mas- I 5(r It 9 bl '- -st Rid ) '
4 Iola gc add rick Henry add Lew s 1 CI k I
1 ar et a ny Rosa wilern tasta Pkibliitg Co Pub lish-
sociation of Jesus Christ to C d 1 tl It 46 bl 5 Abdos ' '
sev an v - '0- 11
it) S pp! De
Loan Agreement-Jnb puty ers
K NkCutchen and wf $10 It 15 add 795-Chas A Ilarriman Jr and wf 670-Atlas Life Ins Co to Whit- lino & iati flaw
Id 28 West Tulsa add 741-Robert S Bryant to Nellie b
moreland add Tula 4 a 14
to S 11 Friedman $4000 8 It 3 mor Homebuildars Inc It 11 bl Emil Pierson to lom- i
1 e Fct S & Attortievs tor C a a
I Assn $1700 It 4 bl 2 North- ca:a A:fan!' P1614 olct' To B R
831-Monarch Nitg Co toalames G Marie Sunday $10 It 14 bl 1 log-
1 3 Sunrise add 5 Morgan Ilgts 1st add sISALED BIDS FOR STREET
s wan
Dossey and svf $10 It 13 bi 5 ram Lewis add 673-Ist Nati Bank & Trust Co to -- a N
63 E Dotson and f to Ex- and
a 767 - Assumption of deLiability
Sharon Ilgts add 772-Dr Ralph D Hanson and sal Assignment Mortgages u 11 Ortner and wf It 3 bi Itittl Sealed bids will he Itilet m
received at th
Agreement-The Pruntial Ins 4 P Naidisha tha Tulsa Batty lagal Office of the City Auditor of Tulna
4-Ray w to Dr Clayton B Czeskleba Lou North Woodland Acres 3rd
Co to Kermitt CThompson and ears Jan a in uary ti to January 22 t tklithonta until a th
pr( ssway Land Inc $ID It 23 hi wf $1 It 12 bl 2' Sunrise Tarr (Filed Jan 5) add
wf It 9 bl 3 Forest Grove add i'cas Iran orstrr 1'11111201111g 4-ii 13th day of January 1959 for the
4 Briarwood add add 403593-Fin Corp to Aetna Life 675-Nati Bank of Tulsa to D L -
44-Suppi I ourt of Ciimmon Pleas
Loan Agree-Marce- I
ri purpose of paving and otherwits
635-Ray E Dotson and Wf to 801-W F Epixrson and AV f to The IRS Co It 1 hi 17 Sheridan Hills Herrington Inc It 12 bl 10
lane W
1 son Rumsey et al to In improving the following described
the C street in said City to-wit:
Eastern Land Inc $IO It 1 bl 1 Record Owners $1 It' 14 bl 4 add Grandview Manor add
Home Fed S & L Assn $3500 ano County uklithipmas
Briarvood add Western Vill age add '' '' 606--Chandler-Frates Co to Fed 677-k in Corp to Happy Homes anat' off 4 ()miasma a corpora- Pitt )IECT LArdi-2711-----CINCIN-
It V ENCEt Reconstrue-
636—Same to 9Ist Develop Corp ' ant ' -1
i Nati Nitg An It 19 bl 15 Rob- Inc It 1 bl 29 H thus il 13 bl 13 Verndale add Han twontr itait on
ls add ai v ct &
same-Virginia Pottier to IAS CttAllANY
' lion and detrease in prevent
$11) It 4 bl 10 Briar wood add a i crts adI 679-New York Life Ins Co to rir r a earatiration
grade from the South Line of
637--Sa to ii9th St Inc $10 It 9 Real Estate hiortgages I613-Chas F Curry & Co to Fed Oral Raberts and wf It 3 bl 4 Home Fed gS & L Assn $4700 iaaandant
t ) Jasper Street to the Center
N 50403
It 9 l Hn Line of La!s
hi 5 Briarwood add (Filed Jan 5) Nati Mks Assn It 10 bl 54 Val-1 Peoria Gardens add hlads add aoTtois op attadita-vs S LE
timer Street ('as
633-Same to Briarwood Inc $10 403602--Leo Whitlow and wf to ley la Acres 3rd add 1631-1st Nati Bank Broken Ar- 77 vir f u
7-Sb 6 ame-F J Tarr and svf to ity tue an exection to toe l'h''' 44' WidP
‘ w I H & did and ve issited t s
It 1 hi 2 Briarwood dad A B Edmunds Jr $470 It 5 bl 2 625-Chas F Curia & Co to Fed row to J C Kendrick and wfait a ome Fed S L Assn $5500 It recte deli red ou The plans specification estimato
I 155 0 T Tulsa of the Court of Common Pleas of at quantities and instructions to
639 - SPrre to Mingo Develop T Dickn so add ! Nati Mtg Assn It 19 bit 2 Marion 3 bl 3 Broken Arrow Ilgts 2nd - a vf t Taisit (amnia' Okialionia in zin ac- bidders may be obtained at the Of-
Corp $10 It 1 bl 8 Briarwood 604-Wilburn B Compton and IA'l Terr add add I all-Same-Chas NI Quinn and' two it said court witcrein shell ttil flee of the City Engineer upon
add to Clremore Fed S & 1 An 654 - Okla Mtg Co to Natl Re- 6
93-Adam Bldg Corp to Adam
- It No Home A Fed l S & L ASS1 Company im plitititiff and Craig tril deposit of F Dollars ollars ($500) With
a' s s t
a9200 14 s & "a can:Pa is i the City Auditor guaranteeing the
649-Russell F Allcorn and wf to $5300 se
It 17 bl 1 Ohio PI add rve Life Ins Co It 24 bl 5 Bldg Co la
op It 6 ' 4 Columbia eria Han add s h
win an te '2:tri lly l d tivia ifilaht
ay of January !return of all these documenta with-
er n 1 A ------
naron tigts tout
634—Ray E Dotson and wf to Ex-
pressway Land Inc $10 it 23 hi
4 Briarwood add
835--Ray E Dotson and wf to
Eastern Land Inc $10 It 1 bl I
Briarwood add
636—Same to 91st Develop Corp
$10 It 4 bl 10 Briarwood add
637—Same to 89th St Inc $10 It 9
IA 5 Briarwood add
638--Same to Briarwood Inc $10
it I bl 2 Briarwood dad
639 — Serge to Mingo Develop
Corp $10 it 1 hi 8 Briarwood
649—Russell F Allcorn and wf to
Wm R Aliton and wf $1 It 4 hi
3 Boman Acres add
650—Bob Dean Barnard and wf
to Ray LeCrone and wf $10 It
4 bi 6 Suburban Acres add
653—Ramon L King Development
Corp to Michael E Kaduk and
wf $10 It 14 hi 4 Patricia Man-
or add
660—Evelyn Ruse to Adams Bldg
Corp $10 it 5 bl 9 Crowell ligts
2nd add
661—Adams Bldg Corp to Evelyn
Ruse $1 It 1 hi 11 Devonshire
Pi add
662—Moore & lianoch et al to Lo-1
gan Wait Jr and wf $1 It 7 bl
3 Jack Hawkins add
669—Geo L 'more and wf to
Jacobson Invest Co $10 It 3 bl
Ranch Acres add
682—Geo Malel and wr to II
Kent Thomas and wl $10 It 7 bl
Oite Day Service
ELSIE S BAILEY Secretary and Treasurer
i! RICHARD M HILL Assistant Secretary
Phone LU 2-5778 612 South Denver
772—Dr Ralph D Hanson and wf
to Dr Clayton B Czeskieba and
wf $1 it 12 bi 2! Sunrise Terr
808—W F Epperson and wf to The
Record Owners $1 i 14 hi 4
Western Village add
Real Estate Mortgages
(Filed Jan 5)
403602—Leo Whitlow and wf to
A B Edmunds Jr $479 It 5 bl 2
T Dickson add
604—Wilburn B Compton and IN f
to Cla'remore Fed S & L An
$5300 it 17 bl 1 Ohio PI add
605—J II Edens et al to Peeples
St Bank $10000 It 1 Sec 18-
609—Arthur J Black Jr and wf to
Chas F Curry & Co $17000 It 7
Hidden Hill add
610—Marvin 11 Masterson and wf
sl Premier Invest Co $210 It 10
hi 47 Valley View Acres 3rd
611—Alvin E Reynolds and wf to
Chas F Curry & Co $16000 It
7 bl 11 Grandview Manor add
619—Paul C Carter and wf to
Horne Fed S & I An $6500 It
22 hi 7 Meadowbrook add
fi40 -- Jim Nuckolls and wf to'
Home Fed S & L Assn $26500
SW Sec 24-19-13
Iles Icy and wl to First
Nail Bank Brokep Arrow $4500
It 5 bl 60 0 T Broken Arrow
642—Comm Lbr Co to State Fed
Assignment Mortgages u (inner and It Lit
Lou North Woodland Acres 3rd
(Filed Jan 5) add
403593—Fin Corp to Aetna Life 675—Nat1 Bank of Tulsa to D L
Ins Co It 1 hi 17 Sheridan Hills Herrington Inc It 12 hi 10
add Grandview Manor add
606—Chandler-Frates Co to Fed 677—k in Corp to Happy Homes
Nati Mtg Assn It 19 hi 15 Rob- Inc It 1 hi 29 Holliday Hills add
crts 679—New York Life Ins Co to
(313—Chas F Curry & Co to Fed Oral Roberts and wf It 3 bl 4
Nati NItg Assn It 10 bl 54 Val- Peoria Gardens add
Icy View Acres 3rd add 631-1st Nat! Bank Broken Ar-
625—Chas F Curly & Co to Fed row to J C Kendrick and wf-it
Nat! Mtg Assn It 19 hi 2 Marion 3 bl 3 Broken Arrow Ilgts 2nd
Terr add add
654 — Okla Mg Co to Nat! Re- 695—Adams Bldg Corp to Adams
serve Life Ins Co It 24 hi 5 Bldg Caip It 6 -DI 4 Columbia
Smithville add Terr 2nd add
663 — Hall Invest Corp to New (Filed Jan 6)
York Life Ins Co It 19 bi 3 717—home Fed S & L Assn to
Moeller ligts add I Bill C Mendell and wf It 15 bl
664—Same to same It 10 hi 9 1 Pinevale 1t Subdiv
Moeller Ilgts add 719-1-higo John Brickner Jr to
665—Fin Corp to 1st Fed S & L Christopier Hedrick and wf It
Assn It 9 bi 5 Ramsey Terr add 2 hl 101 0 T Tulsa
666 — Same to same It 6 bl 1 725—J G Dossey to Mary Francis
Anelen Ilgts 2nd add Green It 12 hi 3 Harding add
667—Same to same It 12 hi 7 City 729—Natl Bank of Tulsa to Homer
View Hill add V Flemming Jr and wf It 5 hi
674—Same to Aetna Life Ins Co 2 Harvard ligts add
It 3 hi 2 Lou North Woodland 739—Booker T Alford to Frank
Acres 3rd add Carroll aiI wf It 20 hi 7 Bul-
676 — Same to same It 5 bl 5 lette ligts add
Westful Vista add 741—Fall River Five Cents Say-
678—Same to Prudential Ins Co ings litink to Kenneth Grider
It 3 hi 23 Holliday Hills add and wf It 8 bl 8 Val Chas add
(384—American Mtg & Invest Co 747—Wm D Poe and wf to War-
t° Fed Nati Mtg Assn It 11 hi ren G Rush and wf It 7 hi 1
5 Sharon Ilgts add Poe Acreage add
685—Same to same It 23 bl 4 750—Community St Bank to I C
Sharon Ilgts add Mathis and wf NE Sec 31-19-12
687 — Chas F Curry & Co to 1st 752—Loyd C Jones and wf to J
Fed S & L Assn It 8 hi 10 C Anderson and wf SE Sec 36-
Grandview Manor add 19-11
683 — Same to same It 1 bl 9 757—Home Fed S & L Assn to
Grandview Manor add Frank L Kerstetter and wf It
689 — Same to same It 12 hi 8 I hi 3 Peoria Gardens add
Grandview Manor add 758--T H Moseley et al to James
690— Same to same It 1 bl 8 Paul Rigsby It 119 hi L Vern
Grandview Manor add lIgts add
691 — Same to same It 18 hi 11 759—Farmers & Mechanics Say-
Grandview Manor add ing Bank to Wm J Rohlman Jr
692 — Same to same it 11 hl 13 and wf It 6 bl 3 Lane add
Grandview Manor add 761-11ome Fed S & L Assn to G
693 — Same to same It 8 bl 9 J Packwood and wf It 1 hl 2
Grandview Manor add Leoki PI add
694—Same to same It 11 bl 10 763—Sarah L Ilarris et al to Lvn-!
Grandview Manor add ette G Hruska et at it 1 6-1 2
700 — Same to same It 15 bl 11 Town & Country Est add
Grandview Manor add 764—Roy F Davis and wf to Ervie
701 — Same to same It 3 hl 10 Mader and wf It 17 hi 2 Fair-
Grandview Manor add hill add
702—Same to same It 11 hl 11 765—New York Life Ins Co to
Grandview Manor add Vonnie Glen Gambrell It 17 hi
(Filed Jan 6) 2 Fairhill add
722—Nellie A Campbell to Camp- 70—Metropolitan Life Ins Co to
bell Trust It 1 hi 6 Central Pk Walter J Kantzer and wf It 8
PI add hi 7 Maplewood add
723—Same to same It 9 hl 4 Wal- 770 — Equitable Life Assurance
ter Foster add Society to W Edwin Barnes and
73I—R J Ward to Roy C Jackson wf It 11 hi 2 Smithville add
NE Sec 36-19-11 1771—The Mutual Benefit Life Ins
732—Same to same It 26 hi 3 Twin l Co to Edwin R Holt and wf It
'Shed Iii the Tulsa Daily Legal
Ne0s 1anuary 6 Dexter Pubilshing Co Publishers)
In the County Court of Tulsa
Couoty State of t iklahorna
In the Matter of the Judicial De-
termination of the Death of LEE
ANiIIIN Joint T(nant
PIttiltATE N41 33011
Anglin Deceased and to all per-
sons claiming any right title or
interest in and to the real estate
hereinafter descrihed:
cke notice that on the tith day
of January 1079 petition was filed
herein by Purnie Anglin alleging
that the 4th day of December
Lee Anglin departed this life
and that at that time the said
Purnie Anglin and Lee Anglin
Ivere owners as jpint tenants
the foliowing described real estate
situated in Tulsa County State of
ttlilahoma to-wit:
The East 11742 acres of the
South 3714 acres of the I
of the SW14 of Section Is
Township IS North Range 13
East of the Indian liase and
Meridian Tulsa County Okla-
homa according' to the United
States Government survey
and praying that said court judi-
cially determine the facts of the
death of the said Lee Anglin joint
tenant and termination of said
pdrtt tenancy
That the County Court has order-
ed that said petition be set for
hearing on the 20th day of January
194 at 9:30 o'clock am at which
time all persons claiming any right
title or interest in said real estate
may be heard
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Court this fth day of January
(SEAL) Court Clerk
Jtiwarts atty
t11 S Detroit
Tulsa Okla
Washington—To provide a pen-
sion of $100 per month at age
of 60 renuires a pension reserve
of $17700 compared with $15150
at age 65 and only $12700 for
persons who have reached age 70
t6!t bet ts tne to-urs of 10:00
o'clock am and 10:0: o'clock am
o'clock am and EEG o'clock am
of the said day at the vest door
of the cootity court house in the
county a f tavpa id offer at pubhc
sale and sell to the highest bolder
t I lug described property
to-wit: All carpets and draperies
Itoottis Dom 1002 laic& 1004
it and
Building Tulsa uklahoma said
property having been levied on at4
tne property of the said Craig tul
ilas Company and taken Mi eXe-
trUt 111 favor tif Shell Uji Comp-
any DATED this WI day of Januory
hy ritusTY tlARTEELI
Joseph VV Morris
P D Itiot 101
Tulsa °J (Hai
Des Moines—Winter laying by
hens has doubled in the US in
the last 25 years
Phone CI! 2-9196 arid The Leg Et!
News will call for your notice
touter New Management
Edward L 'Bill Donahey owner
1026 E Fourth
For Photostat Copies of Legal Documents Maps Leases
Assignments Blue Prints can MASONER'S Inc
The Service Store for Reproduction Needs
EMMINa 0ame
in thirty 30) days after the con-
I tract hw' been awarded
The Pntire cost of the improve-
in Proiet LA56-2711 are IC
be paid In cash from the 1956 Lim-
iiPti Access Facility Bond Funds
which are now available
131de must be upon proposal sheets
furnished by the City Engineer A
Cert if led or Cashier's Check or
Itiddr's Suret y Bond in the sum
of 5" of the amount of the bid
most accompany each bid
Bids received will be considered
by the Board of Commissioners at
a meeting to be held In the City
At 2aiti pm on the 13th day of
January 1959
Dated et Tulsa Oklahoma thin
ttii day of Jantiary 1959
(SEAL) City Auditor
Business Service
Private Secretarial Servico
Private Office & Dealt Space
Free Parking
4107 S Peoria RI3:2545
- - -----
1:i11411111110h P no lilt
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Reference the current page of this Newspaper.
Moss, Dexter, Jr.Tulsa Daily Legal News (Tulsa, Okla.), Vol. 49, No. 4, Ed. 1 Tuesday, January 6, 1959,newspaper, January 6, 1959; Tulsa, Oklahoma. ( August 16, 2024),The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.
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