The Best Mobility Aids for the Elderly | Helping Hands (2024)

Getting a Mobility Aid for YourNeeds

Mobility aids can be highly beneficial if you’re finding it difficult to manage your mobility. Getting around safely is essential both inside your home and beyond your front door, and using some of the available aids can make your everyday life easier. Another way to help your days run smoothly is to have a Helping Hands carer in your life. Available on both a visiting and live-in care basis, our carers can support your mobility through the correct use of equipment, keeping you as safe and as independent as possible at home.

The Best Mobility Aids for the Elderly | Helping Hands (1)

The Top MobilityAids

Trying to find mobility aids online can be a minefield of high prices and low levels of information. Not knowing what you’re buying and whether it’s fit for purpose can prevent people from purchasing items that could be helpful, so asking for professional advice first is an important step. The NHS says, “If you or someone you know has difficulty walking or getting around (mobility), a wheelchair, scooter or walking aid might help.” They can advise you accordingly, as can your GP, physiotherapist, or practice nurse. They’ll tell you what aids are available for elderly people, which means you can get expert advice from someone who is familiar with your condition.

Walking sticks

A walking stick can help with balance and make you feel more confident moving around. It may also help make walking less painful. It’s important to get a stick that is suitable for you, such as one at the right height, with the most appropriate number of feet and left or right-handed. They are also available with a seat if you need to rest frequently.

Walking frames

A walking frame offers more support than a walking stick and is available with or without wheels, depending on where you’re going to use it and your ability. It will need to be adjusted to your height so it’s suitable for you. Some frames have a seat, basket, or tray attached to make them even more versatile.

Wheeled walkers

Unlike a walking frame, a wheeled walker has wheels on all of its legs. Walkers are useful both indoors and out of the house and offer more support than a walking stick, being a versatile choice if you have reduced mobility. They usually feature a bag to store purchases in, often incorporate a seat and are lightweight and foldable to go in the back of a car.

Wheelchairs/Mobility Chairs

The type of wheelchair you need will depend on your strength, ability and whether you – or someone else – is going to be propelling it. Being assessed for the correct wheelchair is important, as such a range of powered and unpowered chairs are available. Talking to your GP and asking for a referral will mean you get the advice you need to make an informed decision.


Being able to manage the stairs is often a critical decision behind whether someone feels able to remain living in the home they love. Having a stairlift installed means you get to enjoy everything that your home offers you and keeps you safely ascending and descending your stairs. They feature a seat or can be wide enough to incorporate a wheelchair.

Aids for the Bathroom

Many accessories can make using the bathroom easier, from seats and frames that raise the height of the toilet for easier access, to shower chairs and commodes. If you’re a keen bather and don’t want to give that up, there are also lifts and seats that can be installed in the bath to hoist you safely in and out, as well as shower steps and stools.

Accessories to go with MobilityAids

From wheelchair cup holders to wheeled walker bags, many accessories are available to tailor your mobility aids to your own needs. If you decide that a wheelchair may benefit you, for example, then you’ll probably want to get ramps installed at home for easier access. These can be temporary or permanent, depending on your available space and preferences.

The Best Mobility Aids for the Elderly | Helping Hands (2)

How Helping Hands CanHelp

Since its establishment in 1989, Helping Hands has been helping people make the most of the home they love. Our superb carers will work with your existing elderly mobility aids or help you source additional assessment if you need something more fit for purpose. Our carers aren’t just there to support your mobility, though; they’ll undertake housework, prepare you nutritious meals, manage your medication, and support your personal care. They’ll also help you to enjoy the community outside your home and make sure that you live as independently and comfortably as possible.

The Best Mobility Aids for the Elderly | Helping Hands (3)

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The Best Mobility Aids for the Elderly | Helping Hands (2024)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.