Sand crabs in OSRS are unique monsters that are very popular for combat skill training. They are an alternative take on one of the game’s most iconic monsters, the rock crabs. Just like the rock crabs, they are aggressive, high HP, low damage monsters that require little interaction.
The small interaction requirements are due to the crabs being aggressive, and in clusters of close proximity, so several will attack you at once. Additionally, their max hit is 1, so you can simply find a good spot where several attack at once, and stay there for a while.
That being said, the sand crabs are found in very few specific locations, on Crabclaw Isle, which is a territory of Great Kourend.
You can get there in many different ways, so, in this guide, I’ll show you how to get to sand crabs in OSRS.
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Acessing Crabclaw Isle
Each method of getting to the sand crabs has differing requirements, and you will need to pay 10,000 coins for access to Crabclaw Isle. If you have completed the Easy Kourend and Kebos Achievement Diary, you will need to pay 5,000, and you won’t need to pay anything if you have the Medium Kourend and Kebos Diary complete.
Boat from Port Sarim
The way of getting to sand crabs with the lowest requirements is simple. Head to Port Sarim and talk to Veos, who will sail you to Port Piscarilius. From the Port, run south to the beach on the southern tip of the landmass.
Before Veos can take you anywhere, you need to complete the quest, “X Marks the Spot.” This is an incredibly short and easy quest that serves as an introduction to the clue scroll mechanic. It has no requirements, and can be started by talking to Veos in the pub in Lumbridge.
Fairy Rings
Another method of getting to sand crabs in Old School RuneScape is to use Fairy Rings. To use the Fairy Rings, you need to reach a certain point in the quest “Fairy Tale Part II: Cure a Queen.” It has several requirements, but they aren’t needed to unlock the Fairy Rings. You do need to finish the previous quest, “Fairy Tale Part I: Growing Pains.”

With access to the Fairy Rings, you can use code DJR to get close to the Chasm of Fire. From there, run to the east, then south to the southern shores. If you have 40 Agility, you can take a stepping stone shortcut east of the Shayzien Infirmary.
Xeric’s Talisman
A third way of getting to the sand crabs in OSRS involves using the Xeric’s Talisman. You can get a Xeric’s Talisman as an uncommon drop from the various Lizardman variants found throughout Kourend. Then, you must charge it with the lizardmen’s fangs.

With the Xeric’s Talisman, you can simply teleport to Xeric’s Glade, which corresponds to Hosidius. This is the nearest settlement to Crabclaw Isle, and you just need to run south from here.
Skills Necklace
The next method to get to sand crabs in OSRS is to use a skills necklace. You can buy these from the Grand Exchange, or make them yourself with a gold bar, dragonstone, necklace mould, and 72 Crafting. Then, you must enchant it with the Lvl-5 Enchant spell at 68 Magic.

Simply use the skills necklace to teleport to the Woodcutting Guild, and run east from there. Immediately east of the guild, you will find the Crabclaw Caves, which also contain a number of sand crabs, and Crabclaw Isle can be found further east. However, you need to have started the quest “The Depths of Despair,” to enter the Crabclaw Caves.
Kharedst’s Memoirs
You can also use the Kharedst’s Memoirs to get to sand crabs in Old School RuneScape. The Memoirs can be obtained as a reward from the quest “Client of Kourend,” and its only requirement is completion of the previously mentioned quest “X Marks the Spot.”
With your Kharedst’s Memoirs, you can use the “Lunch by the Lancalliums” teleport to get to Hosidius, then run east across the bridge, then south, following the river. Using this teleport also requires the quest “The Depths of Despair.”

“The Depths of Despair” can be started by talking to Lord Kandur Hosidius, in his house north of the Hosidius Vinery. 18 Agility and 20% Hosidius favor are required. You will receive a page as a reward on completion, which you must use on the Memoir book before you can teleport.
Minigame Teleports
An alternative method of getting to sand crabs in Old School RuneScape is to use a minigame teleport to the Tithe Farm. Using this teleport requires you to have entered the Tithe Farm before, which requires 100% Favor with Hosidius.
You can get this favor by performing various activities within Hosidius, including pushing/repairing plows, making sulphurous fertiliser, cooking in the Mess hall, and farming grapes in the Vinery.
If you have accessed the Tithe Farm before, you can get there again by navigating to the chat channel tab of your interface, and choosing the “grouping” tab. Its icon is different from the others within the same tab. Select Tithe Farm from the dropdown menu, and click teleport.

Keep in mind that these minigame teleports behave the same way as the Home teleports in each spellbook: they take a long time to cast, and are on a thirty minute cooldown. Once you get to Tithe Farm, simply run southeast to Crabclaw Isle.
Lovakengj Minecart Network
The Lovakengj Minecart Network can also be used to get to sand crabs in OSRS. To use the network, you need at least 65% favor with the Lovakengj house of Kourend. You can get this favor by performing various activities.
Some of these activities include mining volcanic sulphur, making dynamite, completing the quest “The Forsaken Tower,” smithing Shayzien supply armor, and handing out minecart certificates. To use the Minecart Network, you need to have given that location its certificate.
Once you have unlocked the network, you need 50 coins for each trip, or 100,000 coins for a one time payment to make using the system free. Take the minecart to Hosidius, then run southeast. Cross the bridge, then run south to Crabclaw Isle.
Kourend Teleport
If you have 69 Magic and the proper runes, you can also use the Kourend Teleport spell to get to the sand crabs in OSRS. This spell is found within the Standard Spellbook, and requires 2 law runes, 2 soul runes, 4 water runes, and 5 fire runes.

You must unlock the Kourend Teleport spell by reading a book titled “Transportation Incantations,” which can be found in the Arceuus Library. It will teleport you to the Kourend Castle, right outside the Catacombs, and you can simply run south-southeast to Crabclaw Isle.
House Teleport
Finally, another method you can use to get to sand crabs in Old School RuneScape is to use the House Teleport spell in the Standard Spellbook, if your player-owned house is in Hosidius and you have 40 Magic. This teleport is the closest to Crabclaw Isle mentioned in this guide.

You can move you Player-owned house by speaking to any Estate Agent in the following cities: Varrock, Falador, Seer’s Village, East Ardougne, Prifddinas, and Hosidius itself, and paying 8,750 coins.
Alternatively, you can use a House Teleport tablet, which does not require runes or the necessary Magic level. Scrolls of Redirection from the Nightmare Zone reward shop can also be used to change the destination of your House Teleport tablets. This way, you can use them to teleport to Hosidius, regardless of where your house actually is.
Simply run south from the House portal in Hosidius, and you will reach Crabclaw Isle. Sand crabs can also be found on the Isle of Souls, which can be accessed from portals located in Edgeville and the Ferox Enclave.
Final Thoughts
Getting to sand crabs in OSRS can be done in a wide variety of ways. For example, you can run south from the docks in Port Piscarilius, use items like the Xeric’s Talisman or Kharedst’s Memoirs, or Standard Spellbook teleports such as Kourend Teleport and Teleport to House.